9 Ways to Elevate Your Leadership Impact

Leadership development involves leaders knowing themselves and their team members, striving to bring out the best in each other. Here are nine practices leaders should always be doing:

  1. Communicating clear vision for your part of the business and confidently sharing this with others. Knowing your strong history of accomplishments and perseverance in spite of obstacles.
  2. Defining your leadership vision provides the road map for how you lead. Be sure to share it with others. Consider using an assessment like the DRiV™ to help define your leadership vision.
  3. Observing other leaders who have a similar style — demonstrating presence and impact while leading with vision and intention.
  4. Displaying confidence and poise in your visual image. This includes positive posture, steady eye contact, purposeful gestures, impeccable grooming, and strong vocal delivery (proper enthusiasm and no distracting filler words).
  5. Attending to the leadership development of your direct reports by tailoring coaching plans to help each meet career goals, leverage strengths, and close development gaps. Consider using an assessment like the DRiV™ to help understand what drives and drains your direct reports.
  6. Building a process (like lunch-and-learn meetings) to teach and mentor on important technical and leadership topics. People are generally eager to learn from others’ knowledge and experiences; this also helps build teamwork.
  7. Incorporating one-on-one meetings with your direct reports that focus on development – not work. Informally review development plans and provide feedback.
  8. Leveraging “coachable moments” in real time when they happen – including in the field, office or factory – whenever you observe something being done well or note an opportunity for improvement.
  9. Looking for opportunities to celebrate successes and wins, however small, and recognize the accomplishments and hard work of others. Say thanks!
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