Building Your Personal Leadership Brand

Your personal leadership brand is the sum of many actions and attitudes, starting with yourself but always considering others.

  1. Have a Clear Purpose. Present a logical and compelling case for your position, ask for what you want and hold firm when necessary. Get okay with being uncomfortable. Openly acknowledge when your stand may be unpopular and then explain why others should consider your point of view.
  2. Know Yourself. Identify what you want your leadership legacy to be. Write it down to help develop your leadership mission and values. Use your most deeply held convictions to guide your leadership goals. As an outside resource, complete the DRiV™ assessment to understand how your drivers are unique and similar to those around you.
  3. Set Goals. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Decide on clear-cut, long-range, personal goals, including daily actions, attitudes, and behaviors needed to achieve them. Ensure that your goals truly reflect your desired accomplishments, not what others want. Focus on what will bring you joy and allow you to lead more effectively. Visualize your goals and imagine attaining them.
  4. Track Progress. Evaluate what you are currently doing to develop your personal leadership brand, and make necessary changes to increase alignment between how you are perceived, your leadership intentions, and how that translates to actual behavior. Keep track of lessons learned and refer to them periodically to reinforce your learning.
  5. Seek Feedback. In order for you to progress as a leader, it is important that you seek feedback from the “customers” of your leadership – your team, your peers, and your leaders. Encourage direct, specific input and use your paraphrasing skills to demonstrate your understanding. Acting on the feedback you receive can reinforce your progress, identify growth opportunities, and strengthen relationships.
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